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Our Process

discovery | analysis | report | onboarding | implementation
A couple at a business meeting


We begin with a thorough discovery call with the business owner(s). We get to know your business: how money moves, how it gets recorded, your pricing model, collections, how you handle cash, and how you lead your business. Our proven process looks from top to bottom and finds the cracks. Through working with numerous small businesses, we know areas that help companies succeed, and what causes them to fail. We also learn your business goals and how they tie to your personal goals. We can't help you get there if we don't understand where you're going.

Man at his Desk


After we've gathered the necessary information through the discovery call, our team goes to work. Our bookkeeping expert gains access to your accounting records and identifies areas for renovation. Our tax strategist will review your last 2 years of tax returns and identify savings. At this point we may potentially request interviews with other leadership team members if clarity items if needed.

Lead presentations during meetings


We then present you with a report worth it's weight in gold. We share an in-depth review of your accounting records and systems. We provide effective tax strategies. We present on ideas for altering leadership to scale for growth while retaining employees. We discuss how our firm can help you implement the recommended changes and determine key priorities and the recommended package for your company.

Team Task


Now we engage our entire team to prioritize the changes listed from your report. We optimize your books and move you toward financial clarity and success. Your accounting system is redesigned. Your tax strategies begin to be implemented.  We establish KPIs that will be measured monthly. We begin the process that sets you on the right path.

Working Together


Here is where the magic happens. You now have regular reporting on a timely basis. You are meeting with an outsourced CFO from our team and cash flow forecasting so there are no unforeseen bumps in the read. Your CFO is discussing KPIs with you and identifying areas for course correction. Your CFO is helping you with decision making as your business begins to expand.  Whether it be new personnel, new product lines, more locations, more geographies - we're mapping it out with you every step of the way.

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